Application to Serve on Board or Commission

 Step 1 of 1


 Town of Danville Board and Commission Application 

1. Complete the application

2. Submit a resume to the Town Manager at 

* Applications are a matter of public record and are available for public review upon appointment recommendation. 

* Denotes a required field
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
-- ext
Work Phone: 
-- ext
In order to serve on a Town Board or Commission, you must live within town limits.

Work History

Check all applicable: 
List relevant history supporting favorable appointment.

Community Activities

If you have been a member of a Town Board, Commission, or Committee, please list below:
Please list current and past civic, fraternal, volunteer, and non-profit organizations in which you are or have been active:

Appointment Interest

Please email additional attachments and resume to


By checking the box I hereby certify: * All information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. * If appointed, I understand it is my responsibility to notify the Town of changes that would affect my membership on the board, commission, or committee. * I recognize that the Board/Commission/Committee membership requires my attendance at meetings and/or events. I am willing and able to make this commitment of time and effort to serve. * I understand that this application becomes part of the Town's public records and may be disclosed upon request. If appointed, I understand that I may be required to file a conflict of interest statement.
Check Box: 
If applying for Park Board, Planning Commission, Police Merit Board, or Fire Merit Board, you must declare your party affiliation.
The Town of Danville Recognizes the State of Indiana Attorney General's Guideline for "Dual Office Holding or Dual Lucrative Board Appointments." All applicants are encouraged to go to the State of Indiana's website and review their eligibility to serve on one or more Boards for the Town of Danville.
Applications MUST be submitted before the established filing deadline. Email resumes to the Town Manager Mark Morgan at or drop them off at Town Hall. Town Hall 49 N. Wayne St. Danville, IN 46122