Application for Water and Sewage Service

 Step 1 of 1


Application for Water and Sewage Service 

Danville Municipal Water and Sanitation Utilities

49 N. Wayne St., Danville, IN 46122 

317-745-4180 ext. 7004 

1. Please Complete the form. 

2. Submit two forms of I.D to the Utilities Department:


* Fax: 317-745-3005 

* Drop off: Clerk-Treasurer Office  49 N. Wayne St., Danville, IN 46122 

3. $100 deposit is required for all renters. 

* Denotes a required field

Section 1: Application Information

Property Address:
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Billing Address:
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Home Phone:*
-- ext
Cell Phone:*
-- ext
Work Phone: 
-- ext

Section 2. Legal Deeded Owner of Property Information

If you are NOT the legally deeded owner of the property then complete section 2. If you are the legally deeded owner of the property then sign section 3 under owner.
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Home Phone: 
-- ext
Cell Phone: 
-- ext
Work Phone: 
-- ext

Section 3. Affirmation

I hereby state the above information is true and correct:*
ALL CUSTOMERS ARE SUBJECT TO A MINIMUM BILL NO MATTER THE LENGTH OF SERVICE OR THE AMOUNT OF USAGE ACCORDING TO TOWN ORDINANCES 27-2023, 28-2023 and 30-2023, Passed December 6, 2023. By initialing, you state that you have read and understood this information.
Upon submittal of the application, your water/sewer service shall be connected within 48 hours of processing within regular operating hours for the Department. No after-hours connection is authorized.