Train Station Cleaning List

TRAIN STATION: Cleaning List 

- Wipe down countertops.
- Clean oven and stovetop.
- Clean microwave oven.
- Wipe down the sink.

Main Room:
- Wipe down tables and chairs.
- Return tables and chairs to their designated spots in the garage.
- Sweep floors.
- Mop floors.
- Replenish toilet paper and paper towels if necessary.
- Empty trash and replace it with a new trash bag.
- Vacuum rugs.
- Secure all doors.

Final Steps:
- Ensure all trash is either taken with you or disposed of in the dumpster located at the park office atop the hill just west of the basketball courts:
- Confirm that the gas is turned off at the fireplace.
- Lock all doors, including inner bathroom doors. The coded door can be locked using the provided code.