3/19/25 Special Called Meeting Fire Territory
Town of Danville
Town Council Agenda
3/19/25 Special Called Meeting Fire Territory
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 05:30 PM
Danville Town Hall

  1. Establish Quorum, Call Meeting to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Public Meeting
    1. Fire Protection Territory Joint Meeting with Center Township
      1. Introduction of Process - Jeff Bellamy, Attorney at Law with Thrasher, Bushman & Voelkel, P.C. will present the process for the meeting.
      2. Questions & Answers: Danville Town Council - Members of the Danville Town Council will have an opportunity to ask questions regarding the formation of a Fire Protection Territory and seek answers from Legal Counsel, Center Township Board Members or Fire Department Staff.
      3. Questions & Answers: Center Township Board - Members of the Center Township Board will have an opportunity to ask questions regarding the formation of a Fire Protection Territory and seek answers from Legal Counsel, Danville Town Council Members or Fire Department Staff.
      4. Vote Taken: Danville Town Council - Members of the Danville Town Council will be asked to vote on the formation of a Fire Protection Territory.
      5. Vote Taken: Center Township Board - Members of the Center Township Board will be asked to vote on the formation of a Fire Protection Territory.



    2. Interlocal Agreement to Establish a Fire Protection Territory - Jeff Bellamy, Attorney at Law, will present an Interlocal Agreement to establish a Fire Protection Territory between the Town of Danville and Center Township. Will require a vote.
    3. Ordinance 6-2025: An Ordinance to Establish a Fire Protection Territory - Town Manager Mark Morgan will present an ordinance to establish a Fire Protection Territory with Center Township. This has been introduced and made available on-line at previous Fire Territory Public Meetings. It should be available for a vote. However, if legal counsel feels otherwise, staff is requesting to suspend the rules to act on the matter tonight. Will require a unanimous vote of all in attendance to suspend and then 2/3 to pass the ordinance. Will require a vote.
    4. Ordinance 7-2025: An Ordinance Establishing an Equipment Replacement Fund for the Fire Protection Territory - Town Manager Mark Morgan will present an ordinance establishing an Equipment Replacement Fund for the Fire Protection Territory. This has been introduced and made available on-line at the Fire Territory Public Meetings. It should be available for a vote. However, if Legal Counsel feels otherwise, staff is requesting to suspend the rules to act on this tonight. Will require a unanimous vote of all in attendance to suspend and then 2/3 to pass the ordinance. Will require a vote.
  4. Adjournment

    Agenda items are subject to change. Public meetings are live-streamed on our YouTube channel: @DanvilleIN1824.
