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Town of Danville, Indiana
The Town of Danville is a great place to live, work and do business.
The following list contains links to town departments along with their contact information. A list of town boards, commissions and committees is also available.
This is the Financial Office for the Town and manages the Utility Billing Department.
Danville Police Department
The official webpage of the Danville Police Department in Danville, Indiana.
Development Services
Building permits & inspections: 317-745-4180 ext 8012
Zoning or planning questions: 317-745-4180 ext 1101
Stormwater Department
This department is responsible for all activities concerning stormwater management for the Town of Danville.
Street Department
The Street Department is responsible for the care and maintenance of the Town's 49 linear miles of public roadways, sidewalks, alleys, municipal vehicle maintenance, and a variety of other services associated with the town's infrastructure and rights-of-way.
Water Department
The Danville Water Department is dedicated to delivering safe, reliable drinking water to homes and businesses while maintaining a robust system to support emergency needs. Our team operates, maintains, and enhances an extensive network of pipes, hydrants, and treatment processes to ensure high-quality water service for our community.